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The 4.0 industrial revolution is a game changer for Marketing. In the past, people searched for travel information in flyers or other paper forms of advertisement. Nowadays, online means are used to replace the traditional habit. In the context of the new era, how can businesses in the tourism and hospitality industry approach their target customers?

The Digital Marketing course at Pegasus International College is designed specifically for the hospitality industry. It will help you to systematize sales and marketing strategies, and providing guidance on how to apply Digital Marketing to business activities. It will help increase sales and revenue for the business through greater efficiency.

Digital MarketingCertification of completion of the course, issued by Pegasus International College (National validity)60 hours
  • The course is designed and built according to international standards and textbooks written by the world’s leading expert in Digital Marketing.
  • Provide learners with the most up-to-date knowledge of digital marketing and advertising needed for their career
  • Learners will learn with modern and active teaching methods such as Project-based learning or Case studies.
  • Practice in classrooms that meet the standards of Singapore and Australia
  • Pegasus trainers and experts will answer and troubleshoot your own business


This course is for:
  • Young people want to be trained professionally according to international standards in digital marketing 4.0
  • Head of sales and marketing department in hotels, restaurants, and tourism
  • Small and medium hotel owners want to improve their ability to attract customers
  • People want to start a business in the hotel and restaurant sector
  • Trainers are industry experts currently working at Pegasus International College with extensive teaching experience
  • 60h
  • Certification of completion of the course, issued by Pegasus International College (National validity)
Career Opportunities
  •  Students completing the course can work anywhere in the field of Digital Marketing


Module 1Introduction to digital marketing
Module 2Integrating digital marketing and business strategy
Module 3Digital marketing plan
Module 4Web marketing
Module 5Content marketing
Module 6Search Engine Optimization
Module 7Facebook marketing
Module 8Email marketing
Module 9Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)
Module 10Analytics and Reporting

  • Da Nang campus: Opening monthly  
  • Hotline: 023 6730 1555
  • At the Hanoi campus: No deployment
  • Hotline: 024 7304 1555